Akeredolu Tope
There is a realisation that the people of Ondo State must come into an agreement like an epiphany, a revelation sent to direct our path. It is the understanding globally that there is unprecedented economic uncertainties and hardships occasioned by many factors chief among which is the COVID 19 pandemic of these years ago and its attendant negative effects that are still being felt by the third world economies.
Economy, the world over are looking to leaders with the prerequisite expertise as the direct go-to for short and long term solutions to these uncertainties.
It is the understanding that I believe should inform our choice for governor. The primary concern of our people should be to elect a competent leader; someone with the vision, the desire and actionable knowledge to drive an economic ecosystem that will open new frontiers for further economic prosperity.
This is where distinguished Senator Jimoh Ibrahim comes in, trained in the best universities in the world, he has the combination of both book knowledge and practical expertise to turn the state around.
I have always maintained that a leader should have the following qualities in my opinion to be considered good and worthy of the confidence and vote of the people.
- Successful goal getter: The Yoruba would say that if a man says he desires to sew you a new dress, please do well to check what he is wearing. Sen. Jimoh Ibrahim CFR is a goal getter who through the combination of hard work, determination and grace of God is today one of the richest men in Nigeria, a status he attained even as a young man. He has demonstrated the capacity to bring Ondo State into generational prosperity.
- Constant self-improvement: A good leader must have the hunger, the desire and thirst for constant and consistent self improvement. This is necessary to get him updated on the emerging realities of our ever changing world. This is why I believe Jimoh Ibrahim CFR has not stopped learning. He is a man that is prepared and ready. He is always on the go ready to take on any topic because he is vast and well read.
- Goodness of the human spirit and generosity: No matter how good a man is, if he is not generous, he would not see the need to carry out people’s oriented programmes. A man that is given to parsimony is not a man worthy of leadership. Dr. Jimoh Ibrahim CFR is a philanthropist who has been touching lives for decades till now with his personal resources. Imagine what he would achieve with our state if elected.
- A leader must be exposed, exposure is as important as formal education if not more important and of all the aspirants, Dr. Jimoh Ibrahim is the most exposed. He currently sits as chairman Inter-Parliamentary relations in the Red chambers of the National Assembly which is a direct testament to his status as a global player. He features in the world stage amongst the one percent of leaders of thought and global policy shapers. In Jimoh Ibrahim, we have a medley of all the qualities of a great leader in their right proportions.
Akeredolu Tope writes from Ikare Akoko